Conference 2018
SCANZ 2018:
Diversity and community.
Wellington, 30th November 2018
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2018’s SCANZ conference was on the theme: Diversity and Community
We wanted to see and hear about the diversity of science communication activities and science communication research being carried out in NZ; about the diversity of scientists and communicators engaging the community in NZ; and about the role of diverse communities in communicating science.
SCANZ 2018 was to share our knowledge and experience about this, and importantly, to build a better sense of community and a more diverse community. With this in mind, this year, we had a one-day, networking and community building focused conference. We aimed for more discussion and less formal talks.
Check out discussion and pictures from the conference at
Programme overview
Thursday 29th of Nov, 14:00-17:00
Pre conference workshop
Slide design workshop and drop-in workspace with Matt Walters.
Welcome drinks
18:30-22:00 - The Arborist
Friday 30th of Nov
8:40-17:10 at the Royal Society Te Apārangi
Diversity and community
Keynotes on diversity
Panel discussion on diversity in the media
Workshop on engaging writing for the everyday
Open forum
Talks and posters from practitioners and researchers
Programme available here.
18.30-late - The Bresolin