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Online National Networking Night: Pipiri

Nau mai, haere mai e hoa mā! Karahuihui mai anō tātou ā te wā! Welcome, friends! We’re delighted to welcome you to our national online June Networking Night! Come and meet other science communicators all around the motu. Get to know each other and share whakaaro ideas and advice.

Keen to get off Twitter but don't know what to replace it with? Frustrated by lack of engagement with your lovingly-crafted posts? Upset by disrespectful comments (or worse)? Unsure how to set meaningful social media objectives?

We'll have a short talk by special guest Kath Dewar of GoodSense followed by a chance to discuss your social media highlights and lowlights in some breakout sessions with targeted topics.

No need to RSVP – just login!

You can also let us know you’re coming, and help us spread the word, via our Facebeook Event listing.

Hei korā! See you there!

If you would like to volunteer to help us run a future in person event in your region, please let us know by emailing